Saturday, February 23, 2013

10 things I hate about you

Drunks are an uncreative lot. Here is a list of the top ten things they say when they're kicked out. I had all of them last night.

10. You think you're tough? or Oh, tough guy huh?
9.   What'd I do?
8.   I didn't do anything
7.   I'm not drunk.
6.   I make twice as much money as you. (that should go without saying since this is a part time job)
5.   I know the manager, whats his name again? (Timmy, its always Timmy)
4.   If you don't let me back in I'm never coming back here again (imagine my dissapointment)
3.   Oh, are you enjoying all your power? So cool being a bouncer isn't it?
2.   This bar sucks.
1.  You're an asshole!


  1. I love how everyone thinks we're full time dim wits and it takes them all of 10 seconds to proof how dumb they are. This one chick gave me the whole "you're JUST a bouncer" so I gave her my business card. She looks at the card and says "owner/operator, yeah right, how dumb do you think I am". Pretty dumb, I print business cards to prove to bar sluts I'm a big shot. How ironic that they feel we're bouncers to get a sense of superiority and their response to that is to tell us how superior they are.
