Some guy came out of the bar one night and told my co worker
he was an ex-corrections officer and could get him a better job than being a
bouncer. My buddy, who happens to have kind of a cool day job (that doesn’t
involve checking anybody’s ass for contraband) said “thanks, I do ok for
Our ex-corrections officer once again told my buddy that he could do much better than a shitty bouncing job. My buddy once again said thanks but no thanks.
I came outside at the end of their conversation and could see
my co-worker was kind of annoyed.Our new friend the Warden was now speaking to
one of our regulars. My coworker told me about the conversation and I just
shook my head. As we spoke our regular
came by and said “Hey that dude just tried to sell me drugs”
"Ok, thanks" I said, and our regular went back in.
Eventually the Warden came back and started to walk inside.
“Hey buddy, I think you’ve had enough to drink, how ‘bout we call it a night” I
“I haven’t done anything wrong” he replied.
“Nope, you haven’t, but you have had a lot to drink and I’m
going to cut you off now because you’re showing signs of being too intoxicated.”
I was a polite as can be, and it was also true. He was quite drunk. Not so
drunk that I might have normally stopped him, but drunk enough I could justify
it. Plus, he was kind of an asshole.
“Oh, ok,” he said, “Well, I’ll just go tell my wife”. He
reached for the door handle and pulled trying to get past me. I just leaned
against the door with my arm.
“You’re not coming back in. I’ll go grab your wife, what’s
she look like?”
He couldn’t describe her, and he didn’t know what she
looked like, or what she was wearing but was sure he could find her if I just let him in. Oh, and by
the way, he hadn’t done anything wrong. I told him to
point her out through the window. He
stuck a finger in the air and moved it as though he was desperately trying find
Waldo, counting off each red and white thing as he went. Finally he pointed out
some dude in a white hat who knew his wife. “No sweat, I’ll let him know you’re
leaving”. I said.
I went inside and approached the guy in the hat. No problem,
except he didn’t speak any English. Great. So in my best broken French I said
what probably sounded like:
“You friend, too drink, had to rest outdoors, he had a wish
for me to say wife”

The Warden by now had wandered to the side of the building
about 20 yards away. When his buddies came out he suddenly came to life. “Hey,
by the way” he spat “you guys are fucking cunts!” (cunt is the new word people
use to let us know how brave and shocking they are) “Who wants to step up!?”
“Ok,thanks have a good night” my co worker said with a little
wave. I just chuckled.
“Yeah, that’s the only answer you have!” the Warden
retorted. “Why don’t you grow you beards out a little more and grow your balls
My co worker and I just looked at each other. I couple other
customers who were hanging out smoking started to laugh to themselves.
Again, from 20 yards off our new friend offered to fight us,
then proceeded to kick rocks. Then he told us he was an ex-cop (he must have
gotten a promotion when his friends came out) and told us we were stupid fucks
who didn’t know how to do our jobs.
I thanked him for his feedback which only further enraged
him, and told him to go home. Fortunately his wife was there to hold him back from
the severe beating he had in store for us. If he could only get by her 110lb
frame he would have brought a world of hurt to the 520lbs of sober bouncer
standing at the door. But she kept us safe. Thank heavens.
Eventually his party got him into their vehicle where he
promptly fell asleep. One of them drove him home while the rest of his crew
went back to party. Later the French guy asked me what happened and I told him.
He looked skeptical and asked, “you were polite, like that? Like you’re talking
to me?” I said of course, no need to be rude (Which probably sounded like “I
can be sure, this is not a need for bad smells”) He just laughed and in English
said “He’s just a fucking asshole anyway! Have a good night!” and ran back in to enjoy the rest of his evening. The rest of the night went off without a hitch. See, I’m a great bouncer in every language!
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