Wednesday, April 17, 2013

The Passion

Joe does not look like this
Joe is not his real name
There's this guy, lets call him Joe. Yeah joe. So Joe's a nice enough guy. Friendly. Big dude. The kind of guy you look at and go "I hope I don't have to drag him out of here tonight." But, that said, he's a nice guy.

Joe has a strange habit though. He rocks out to music. Hard. I'm talking double devil horns, head banging styled rocking out. To dance music. Or sometimes music that isn't playing. Like, hey, the hockey games on, what's that guy rocking out to?  To be fair I'm kind of jealous. Its like he's got a permanent concert of his favorite bands in his head at all times.

A few weeks ago one night Joe had his arms out like a big ol' letter T. His head was tipped back and his eyes were rolled back and his head was bobbing gently to the beat. It was 2:30. The DJ had stopped playing a half hour ago. One of the waitresses had to go let him know. So he left. Since that moment Joe has been known as "Jesus moment", "Jesus guy" and "rock and roll Jesus."

I like Joe. He's friendly and entertaining. But I gotta tell you, I'm a little afraid for the day that he finally snaps.

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