Tuesday, April 30, 2013

White Noise

So I got a review on urban spoon the other day. I'm terrible.

"Good music and fun atmosphere...if you get in. the bouncers are terrible. If they know you you walk in and if they don't you stand outside watching people who just showed up get in first.its a big joke, terrible service. Who the hell forms a second entry line when you have customers that have already been waiting for 30 min." -Kevin
Well he sure showed me! Seems Kevin is angry that we have a VIP line. Who forms a second entry line? Night clubs, Kevin, night clubs. And guess what Kevin; thats life. Yup, the manager's buddies get in ahead of you sometimes. People who made reservations get in ahead of you sometimes. People who work in the industry get in ahead of you sometimes.

Here's a tip Kevin, you don't want to wait in line? Don't show up at the busiest club in town at midnight genius. And yeah Kevin, if one of my buddies comes into town, I'm not going to make him wait behind you. You're a whiney little bitch. You didn't get your way so you took the time made an account on urban spoon just to bitch about the normal practices of every night club on the planet? Suck it up princess. You are going to have a long disappointing road ahead of you my friend. Long and disappointing.

On Saturday one of the bartenders overheard a girl talking on the phone the other night outside telling someone that I was an asshole. From the description it was the girl who didn't look like her photo ID who couldn't remember her address who thought she was the only Taurus who was born in August. I made her cry. Not because I was rude, I was actually quite nice to her, but because I wouldn't let her in. So she cried. If you cry because you don't get your way, you probably shouldn't be going into bars. If you cry because you lost the fight you started, you probably shouldn't be going into bars. If you cry because "she broke up with me" you should probably stay at home writing bad poetry and paint your nails black.

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