Tuesday, April 30, 2013


So these three guys came in last night and got fantastically drunk playing the VLTs. I called out last call and they came over to sit at the bar for a last drink. Fine. The one guy, the drunkest of my stooges missed his chair completely. I grabbed him a water, which he immediately spilled. When I came back with a bar towel to clean up this particular shit head, he was sucking the water off the bar with a straw. Then suddenly he stuck the straw in his nose. Thats when I realized that these three geniuses were doing rails right at the bar.
"What the fuck!?" I said in disbelief.

"Oh, you want some?" said the Moe of the group, holding up a credit card with a tiny little line left on it. Larry just sat there stupidly.
"No!" I said, "You can't do that in here. You guys gotta get out of here."
I printed off their bill, and the Curly of the group had staggered back to the gambling machines. Since he had all the money I went his way and interrupted him as he tried to cram a 20 into the machine.
"Hey, you gotta go, here's your bill" Curly was too drunk to read the bill so he brought it back to his buddies. After about 10 minutes of trying to figure out how to split a $90 bill between three guys, one of them finally produced his bank card. "Are you sure you don't want some?" he asked.
"No, I don't, just pay and go dude" I said. (or something like that)
"Oh sorry, I thought we were all on the same page" he slurred.
They finally paid and staggered out.

The rest of us went to Denny's. I got a burger. It was pretty good.

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