Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Sucker Punch Two

Back around Halloween we threw a Halloween party. This one dude got into a fight with a couple of guys, and threw a fit when we told him to leave. It wasn't his fault. Of course it wasn't. Lets call him Punchy.

The next day Punchy's wife wrote a scathing article about how horrible we bouncers are letting fights happen. The fact that we threw her husband out for fighting was lost in her I suppose.

Anyway, Friday night the husband came back. I didn't see him come in, or I didn't recognise him and let him in. Either way, he broke through our defence. About 1am someone told me there was a fight. Guess who. By the time I'd gotten there, James had it under control. Punchy was arguing that it wasn't his fault. His friends were pretty animated about the whole thing. James had him pay his bill. With 2 other guys there, I left them to it and went back to my cosy little corner of the world at the front door.

When I arrived there some guy started screaming at me about letting someone sucker punch him. I didn't see what happened, so I told him "I didn't see what happened." Well, I might was well have told him his mother was a donkey sucking ditch whore (i'm sure she is). He flung his hands up angrily and stomped around, infurated that I would let this happen to him.  As James put it, "Thats why it's called a sucker punch, cause you don't see it coming"

Well, it turns out what happened is Punchy was talking to his friends and the angry bleeding guy approached him thinking he was someone else. Realizing he'd made a mistake he put his hand out in apology giving Punchy the opportunity to do what he does best, and get all punchy. So, he sucker punched the guy.

But of course, it wasn't his fault. Innocent victim. Poor guy.

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