Sunday, May 5, 2013

Happy Cinqo De Mayo!

Holy shit. What a weird night. It started off slow. I told the boys I'd work inside tonight because it was so dead. I was standing in the back talking to James when suddenly I saw a guy tackle another guy. I  bolted over to the scene of the crime. When I tried to stop and break it things up my body ended up in the right place but my feet just kept going. Ass over tea kettle I went.

I got up and some guy came flying out of no where and punched one of the guys in back of the head. James grabbed him,  I pulled the second guy off and I don't even know where the guy on the bottom ended up.  The rest of the team was there in seconds.

I put my guy, wearing a green t shirt,  into guillotine choke and he just stopped moving, I loosened up a bit and he said he was done. Ok. I let him up slowly and he left like a genleman. A gentleman covered in spilled beer and highballs. Meanwhile other bouncers were leading other guys out. I walked my guy out and went back to see what was going on. The guy on the bottom in black said he was leaving but asked if he could get his stuff. I said fine. He got his stuff and left.

I went into the office to watch the video. Turns out the guy in black just flat out sucker punched the guy in green.  Meanwhile, the guy in black is out front is threatening the other bouncers. I went up front and he started to tell me that legally I could walk him back in to get his friends. I said yeah, and legally I can tell him he can't come in and do nothing. He informed me it was my loss. I'll try not to lose sleep. He stood around smoking and looking tough, then eventually left.

Later I saw one of our regulars dragging a guy in a lame paisley shirt out in a full nelson, being followed by another bouncer with another guy in red being dragged out.  I let them by. Just as the guy in paisley was released outside he took a swing at one of our guys a who was walking away. I got between them and shoved him. He went flying and smashed into our sandwich board, breaking it.  His bigger buddy in red came at me and I think might have punched me in the face, I don't really remember, but I've got a small cut inside my mouth. Someone grabbed him and pulled him off. I ended up tangled with Paisley, feeding him shots to the side of his head while another guy was trying to get us all down. Eventually we ended up in a pile with Paisley tearing my brand new Guinness hoodie as James held him down. He wouldn't let it go so I stepped on his face and pulled. He still wouldn't let it go so I let him have it. It's no good now anyway. He got up with a pretty nasty black eye compliments of one of our bouncers.

These two decided to stick around and be dicks for a while. The cops were near by and told them to leave. They went around the corner continued being dicks. So the cops told them again. After their second warning, they stuck around until they got arrested. Their buddy's, being geniuses, decided they would fight the cops so the could all go to jail together. Overhearing their master plan the cops arrested them before they got the chance. Cool.

While all this is happening, and I'm a little amped, waiting around to see what was going to happen next, one of our waitresses, came out to chat. It was her night off and she was on a bit of a bender. She was telling me a story about all the shots she had drank this evening, completely oblivious to the fact that there were fights going on. She ended up throwing up and crying in the staff bathroom at the end of the night. Good times.

Later James brought a guy out in a brutal choke hold. Turns out he started a fight and then pushed the bouncer trying to break it up. He started to argue and I advised him his best course of action was to go home. He spun around and ended up face to face with a good natured RCMP officer who looked at him and said "I told you we'd meet again" I didn't even ask.

Later than that I asked a guy to take his smoke away from the door. He turned around and blew smoke in my face. Nice. After envisioning myself breaking his jaw, I asked him if he was stupid. Turns out he is. He tried to come back in later and I told him to go fuck himself. He spent a good half hour trying to talk his way back in. 

During all of this 3 more guys got thrown out for various levels of drunken bull shit. 2 more of them got arrested because the just couldn't seem to leave the front of the bar.

At the end of the night I saw a guy knock over a chair and just walk away. I said "Hey, go pick up that chair you just knocked over" "Yeah right he said." I said "Go pick it up or don't come back"
He told me to go fuck myself, so I walked him to the door and shoved him out telling him never to return. Yes, I just banned a guy for knocking over a chair. I'm actually kind of proud. Just because its a bar doesn't mean you should get away with dickish behaviour. I can't wait to tell him he can't come back in a few weeks when he thinks I've forgotten.

I had to laugh later, one of the new guys used to work at one of the rowdiest bars in the city. I said, "This is probably just a Tuesday night to you huh?" He said "Yeah, but I didn't want to say anything, you guys are all having fun"

How was your Saturday night?

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